APECS Luxembourg gatherings: connecting with like-minded polar enthusiasts and embracing informal exchange
As passionate polar researchers, nothing excites us more than meeting others who share our fascination with the icy frontiers of our...
Polar.lu & Apecs.lu um Krëchtmaart
We are thrilled to announce the informal meeting polar.lu & APECS.lu um Krëschtmaart (bei der Gëlle Fra), scheduled for December 27,...
Join the APECS Book Club: Exploring Polar Landscapes Through Literature!
This summer offered the opportunity to participate in the inaugural APECS Book Club meeting , initiated by APECS Netherland, and...
Polar.lu educational projects presented by Jill Diederich at ASSW 2024 in Edinburgh
The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2024 in Edinburgh was a vibrant hub for discussions on polar research and education. Polar.lu 's...
5th time's the charm: polar.lu takes on BNE Foire in Luxembourg for another round of sustainability dducation!
This year marked the 5th participation of polar.lu at the BNE Foire , a lively event dedicated to sustainable development education in...
Polarliichter zu Lëtzebuerg
Dest Joer konnt een um Science Festival mat polar.lu a spannenden Workshops entdecken wéi Polarliichter entstinn.
All Joers organiséiert den AIW (American Indian Workshop) seng wëssenschaftlech Konferenz an enger anerer europäescher Stad, fir kënnen...
„Et entdeet“ E Comic fir de Klima
Merci onsem Partner “Zenter fir Lëtzebuerger Sprooch” fir dëse flotten Artikel iwwert d'Frozen-Ground Cartoons. Dir fannt de spannenden...
Frozen-Ground Cartoons an der Escher Bibliothéik
Mir sin houfreg op dese Projet ! "Frozen Ground Cartoons" sinn aus enger Kooperatioun vu kanadeschen an europäesche...
Ant-Arctica Day 2019/20
Och dëst Schouljoer hu mer den Antarctica Day geféiert. Den 1. Dezember gëtt d'Ënnerschreiwe vum Antarktis-Vertrag geféiert. Dëse Vertrag...