Claire Bauler in Kangiqsujjuaq and Kuujjuaq
Claire did her Master Thesis under the supervison of Prof. Gérard Duhaime and is affeliated to CIERA, Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la condition autochtone comparée. Gérard Duhaime is a sociologist and political scientist. He is interested in economic sociology and conducts research on social change, economics, development, mass consumption and debt.
Claire studied the social function of the community kitchen in the northern context of Nunavik. Community kitchens can be viewed as a strategy for combatting food insecurity, but also as a gathering place for the community where participating members learn to cook, share experiences and socialize. The results of my research project show that the community kitchen in Nunavik is conducive to the creation of social relations among its members. The initiative can therefore be considered as a means of building and strengthening social bonds and social cohesion in Nunavik communities.
Congratulations to Claire for this amazing project and congratulation for your graduation !