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Ons Publikatioun mam European Polar Board ass do !

Great News !

The European Polar Board is pleased to announce that it has released its Synthesis Report on the Environmental Impacts of Research and Logistics in the Polar Regions.

The report was drafted by members of the EPB’s Action Group on Environmental Impacts of Polar Research and Logistics and details the potential environmental impacts of polar research and offers many best practices on how to minimise potential impacts. It also considers legal frameworks that apply to the polar regions and includes a catalogue of already-existing guidelines on how to minimise environmental impacts in the polar regions. The unique aspect of this report is its synthesis of both the Arctic and Antarctic region, concerning minimising environmental impacts of polar research.

Many thanks to P Elshout, J Chappellaz, T Gibéryen, C Hansen, J Jania, K Jones-Williams, J Nolan, B Reverdy, E Topp-Jørgensen, A Yılmaz, R Badhe and other contributors to this report!

The report is publically available on the EPB website.

Please, feel free to share the report with anyone who could be interested.




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